Choose and Defend: Ice Cold or Flaming Hot?

Summer is almost here. Whether that’s good or bad is a personal decision: Some of us love sun and fun, others cower in the safety of our air-conditioned homes. As the late 20th century philosopher Robert Palmer once said, “Some feel the heat and decide that they can’t go on.” Glenn Frey and Don Henley,…

ice hotSummer is almost here. Whether that’s good or bad is a personal decision: Some of us love sun and fun, others cower in the safety of our air-conditioned homes.

As the late 20th century philosopher Robert Palmer once said, “Some feel the heat and decide that they can’t go on.” Glenn Frey and Don Henley, his colleagues in the muso-philosophy game, were more fond of the heat that was coming off the street, but the fact remains: ’80s pop music was all about the heat.

On the cooler end of the spectrum, Rainbow preferred things “Stone Cold,” the Red Hot Chili Peppers were up for some “Stone Cold Bush,” and Tone Loc was down for some “Funky Cold Medina.”

Okay, so here’s your choice. You must choose one and only one, and you must defend your answer. Failure to observe these two simple rules will doom you to a lifetime of deep-fried ice cream. Are you a hot or cold dessert, deep-fried ice cream? Make up your damned mind.

Would you rather be:

— Too cold


— or too hot?

devilAnswers must be under a bajillion words, and come on people: Let’s make Laura B. proud.

Responses to “Choose and Defend: Ice Cold or Flaming Hot?”

  1. Toni

    I choose Too cold getting all wrapped up and snugly with your fave person is the best x


  2. James Stafford

    Okay, cold is winning by an icicle, 4-3. Will the Heatmisers pull out a victory?


  3. James Stafford

    I had no idea fried ice cream had such zealous defenders! Another vote for cold….


  4. James Stafford

    More fried ice cream? I need to pick my punishments more carefully…


  5. James Stafford

    One vote for Phoenix in August.


  6. James Stafford

    Now THAT is a defense that I can get behind.


  7. Robbo

    Definitely too cold. You can always put on more clothes, but there’s a limit to what you can take off.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ellen

    I am Team Heat Miser all the way. You will never hear me complain that it’s too hot.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thoughtful Whatnot

    Hot, providing there’s sufficient hydration and fried ice cream about.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Kelly Mahan Jaramillo

    Cold. Agree with better wardrobe, plus, at my age there is a tendency for my inner thermometer to suddenly swing wildly into Hades worthy temperatures, so……Cold. All the way.

    And a side note for you, sir. Fried ice cream rules the roost, and will NOT be dissed.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. James Stafford

    Cold is winning, 2-1. Where are M’s fellow heat seekers?


  12. M.

    I always thought I was a cold weather person.. But I love the sun on my skin too much to give it up forever. I’m going with heat.


  13. James Stafford

    A Tweeter chimes in: seems like #IceCold to me…better wardrobe


  14. James Stafford

    Another Twitter vote: Ice cold, hate the heat


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